
They can’t see past my pokerface
so they think I’m fine.
They have no idea what’s going on
and don’t bother to ask.

They think I’m always cheerful,
happy; ’cause I smile.
When in truth, on days like these,
I just want to die.

I’m empty, hollow, a walking corpse.
My feelings are all gone.
My life will never be a fairytale
and no prince will save me.

I can’t even save myself
Medication does that for me.

Didn’t sleep well, feel like shit.. I have so much pain. A blunt pain in my lower right side. Now I’m so tired and full of crap but I can’t show it. I can’t let them see.
People judge and think your lazy when you just don’t feel like anything. And today I’m just not in the mood to explain myself to anyone. I want to be left alone until I feel better, but I have work to do. 😐

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